Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Windows 8. Why I'm Excited.

Helloooooooooooo! I've been missing in action because of this Hurricane Sandy business, but in my exile, I have discover the Holy Grail....options.  I have found other options to the Macbook Air that I so desperately desire, thanks to Microsoft.

Microsoft just put all its chips on the table with the launching of Windows 8. There had been a lot buzz about this radical, and possibly dangerous, upgrade.  Microsoft is attempting to fuse a tablet/smartphone operating system with a full personal computer operating system...and I think it's great!

Here are my reasons for being excited about the beginning of a new era with Windows.

1)    It's different and exactly the same
Much of the confusion about Windows 8 involves the new 'Start' screen, which involves a series of square shaped applications.  Where is the traditional desktop? Why, it's an app, of course.  So you get a familiar Windows 7 experience and a bunch of cool apps to boot.
2)  It's cheap
If you have Windows 7, you can upgrade to Windows 8 for just $40.  That's really, really, cheap.  And with most versions of Windows, all your files will be instantly transferred over when you install Windows 8 - no need to reinstall.  Why the heck not?
3)  It can make an old computer feel new
Having Windows 8 installed promises more efficient battery usage and an overall speed boost to any compatible computer.  
4) I've tried the new Windows 8 laptops and I am impressed!
When I spent a few hours in the Microsoft Store in Boston, I fell in love with two laptops that were showcased for Windows 8.  As a preamble, I want to make the point that creating laptops with touch screens is EXACTLY what Apple didn't want to do when they had the chance a few years ago.  John Ive, now the new Steve Jobs after his recent promotion, explicitly said in an official Apple online video that the user experience of a touch screen laptop was not natural. So instead, when the MacBook Air came into being, they enlarged the trackpad to create gestures there. 

Now Microsoft, known throughout the world as one of the best software companies (and truly the best before the rise of Apple), is diving head first into the hardware industry by siding with Sony, Acer, Dell and Asus to create fully functional touch screen laptops that are just as powerful as the MacBook...with a touch screen!

The two best Windows 8 laptops I have personally tested are :

Acer Aspire S7. This is a direct competitor of the MacBook Air, even though it doesn't appear to be getting a lot of hype. Here are the specs compared:

Acer Aspire S7
MacBook Air
Intel Core i5, 1.70 GHz(up to 2.6)
Intel Core i5, 1.8 GHz(up to 2.8)
2.99 lbs
2.96 lbs
Intel Graphics 4000, 4GB RAM
Touch screen HD display

 In the end, you are paying $100 extra for a touch screen when compared to the Macbook Air.  The other technical specifications are almost exactly the same and the Acer computer is even just a little bit thinner than the Air (see photo above).

I do admit the Macbook Air has a slightly stronger overall build, but that should not be a deal breaker.  Also note that the keyboard design is better on the Air.  There was just something about the Acer keyboard that didn't feel quite as comfortable. There is also a lot of empty space around the keyboard with the Acer computer compared to Apple's design.

Sony VAIO T. This is a powerful ultrabook that only barely fits the category, but at 3.5 pounds and 7.1 inches thick, yeah, that's thin.  But the MacBook Air and the Acer Aspire S7 are thinner you say? True, but do they have a 500 GB hard-drive with 32 GB solid state storage and 6 GB of RAM?  And do they have touch screens and cost $800!

No, no they do not.

I have been debating what to do about internal storage for quite some time. On one hand, I have more media and files than the 128 GB standard ultrabook storage size. On the other hand, solid state storage is the way of the future, and with no spinning hard-drive, it's more durable and faster to load files.  So why can't I just use my external hard drive to store files I use infrequently? For the same reason I need an iPhone and not a cheap phone with an iPod Touch. I want everything in one place. I don't want to make tough choices over which photo albums I erase from my computer.  I already do that with my 16 GB iPhone 5.

I probably wouldn't take my laptop traveling. That's why I have an iPhone and an iPad.  So if the computer is going to be relatively stationary, and I had no problems with my 4 year old Dell laptop that went to Santiago Chile and back, maybe I should save almost $400 and get the Sony VAIO T.

I explain my situation because I believe many consumers are uncertain and cautious about which laptop is right for them.  Overall, a Macbook Air or an Acer Aspire S7 will be enough for the casual user, but what if today's casual user is tomorrow's....someone who needs more power, speed and storage?

If you want to have peace of mind that your computer will be fast and powerful for the foreseeable future, go with a Sony VAIO T or a Macbook Pro.  And the Sony laptop is such a bang for your buck because you get plenty of storage and plenty of power (Intel i5) AND plenty of portability AND a great price. There are many other options out there as well, but these are my two favorite at the moment.

Apple versus the World (of Windows), let the battle commence! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ok, the iPad Mini is Here, What's Next? Google.

The technology world is frantically analyzing the unveiling of the iPad Mini.  Reports are already surfacing  the device is beautiful to behold, but should have been cheaper and equipped with the A6 processor.  I am fairly sure I will ignore this device (after playing with it in the store, of course), but I can not know for sure until next Monday.  Why? 

Because Google has an important announcement to make; an updated Nexus 4 smartphone, a 10 inch Nexus tablet and an 32 GB Nexus 7 for $250 with the 16 GB Nexus 7 for $200 (goodbye 8 GB).  With my amazing iPhone 5 and the new (now old) iPad 3rd generation, my only concern in this announcement is the update to the Nexus 7.  

Can you tell which is which? Sure you can, but will consumers hold both these devices in their hands and fiercely debate which is better? No, because these devices are not in the same category.  Apple made sure of that with a $329 starting price on the iPad Mini.  The starting price for the Google Nexus 7 is $199.   Yes, the screen is smaller by 0.9 inches diagonal, but the Nexus 7 has a better display!  

iPad Mini 
= 7.9-inch IPS, 1,024x768 pixels (163 ppi)
= 7.9 x 5.3 x 0.28 inches
= 0.68 lbs/308 grams

Google Nexus 7
= 7-inch IPS, 1,280x800 pixels (216 ppi)
= 7.8 x 4.7 x 0.41 inches
= 0.75 lbs/340 grams

I assume the smaller screen has something to do with the more dense display on the Nexus 7, but still, with such a nice screen at such a lower price and with a Quad Core processor and a full GB of RAM, no one on the fence about which tablet to purchase is going to jump on Apple's bandwagon.  

Well, they shouldn't, but they will.  They will because Apple has a better ecosystem of applications (though not by much anymore).  They will because more and more people fall prey to the appeal of the latest and greatest Apple product.  They will buy the iPad mini because they hope that extra $130 will be forgotten in a sea of applications, web browsing and photo sharing.  

For someone like me, with a 3rd generation full size iPad, this device is a step in the wrong direction. Regardless of the screen size, I would be purchasing a product with less power and less speed than both my 9.7 inch tablet and my iPhone 5.  Even with these facts well ingrained into my mind, I still considered, for a moment, selling my iPad in favor of the iPad Mini (but only for a moment, I promise).  My moment of weakness was due to this...

Look at that thing. It is SO sexy and I'm a sucker for beautiful technology.  But then reality set in and I realized I was being foolish.  There is no place in my life for an iPad Mini. I am still going to buy whatever Google announces Monday morning.  
The price will be better, the specs will be equally good to the iPad Mini and I will get a fresh perspective on both Apple and Google.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE both my iPad and my iPhone, but I want to experience something different so I appreciate what I have that much more.  And I want a middle ground device between my phone and tablet. And I want to be economical with the process. Voila! Google Nexus 7.  

Maybe I was too cynical about who would purchase an iPad Mini. Anyone who doesn't have an iPad should seriously consider this product. It does look amazing. However, bashing the competition on a live streamed announcement is not going to make up for the fact that the iPad Mini is priced far ahead of the competition, and that's not Economics 101.

What Apple Should, and Should Not, Do Today

Today is another major announcement from Apple.  Just 1 month after unveiling the coveted iPhone 5, Tim Cook is set to release 'a little something more.'  It's not a question of what, but rather a question of precisely what.  The dimensions of the iPad Mini have been shrouded in mystery and speculation. In just a few short hours, all our questions will be answered...maybe. 
Look at me! I'm so humble.
Apple wouldn't make such a fuss about only one product. This is the last announcement of the year, so the Cupertino company wants to go out with a BANG!  The problem is, they may go too far.  It has been speculated Apple will release several updated products along side the iPad Mini.  

Introducing a Retina Display 13 inch Macbook Pro would be perfectly acceptable.  The hefty price tag will attract only a small crowd, but at least there will be symmetry with three sizes of Retina and non-Retina Macbook Pros.  I just hope they do not release a Retina Display Macbook Air. That would bring too many items on the market and defeat the purpose of an affordable, powerful and slim computer.  
Many are waiting for a redesign, or at least a refresh, of the iMac, Apple's desktop computer.  It needs the new Sandy Bridge Intel processors, flash storage, camera upgrade and a diet.  This will also be a welcome update, as long as the price isn't inflated with thoughts a Retina Display for this too. 
I gotta be honest, I don't see a dramatic difference between a regular laptop screen and the Retina display. It's definitely not noticeable enough to thrown around a couple hundred more dollars.  If Retina Display is the future, that's fine as long as prices remain affordable.  Apple products are expensive as it is, a popular argument of PC enthusiasts. 

So what should Apple not do today? Don't upgrade everything to Retina Display and expect us to pay more. Secondly, DO NOT UPDATE THE FULL SIZE iPAD MID CYCLE!

If you know the Peter Griffin saying "You know what really grinds my gears?" well, this would really grind my gears.  I understand there is room for improvement, including the new Lightening Connector, In-Cell Display (less layers on display to thin the device), better speakers, 8 Mega pixel rear camera, and the A6 Processor.  But please let me enjoy having the latest and greatest iPad for one full year!  

And besides, if they make all these updates now, what can they do come March, when the iPad cycle has traditionally re-started? I am, for the first time, a little nervous Apple will go overboard and try to update everything for the holiday season. Hopefully, all this speculation is just that, speculation.  Apple should realize the focus of this event is the iPad Mini.  

Everything else should be icing on the cake, not another dessert.  

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Last Presidential Debate. What Now?

After watching 3 Presidential Debates and 1 Vice Presidential Debate, I am still uncertain who deserves my vote.  I understand Connecticut is deeply a Democrat leaning state, but I still want to at least believe I have an impact on my nation's future.   

Obama has done a lot of good for America. I believe our economy is stronger than when he took office.  Is it directly because of Obama's policies or just the natural roller coaster ride of economics?  I'm not sure. Does having business experience mean Romney can completely fix our economy? Maybe, but no matter what happens, 4 more years will not make America the greatest country on Earth again. That may take a generation, if it's even possible.  

There is one common theme I was able to extract from all the debates. Both candidate hid behind the phrase, "That's not true" without directly combating how such accusations could be made in the first place.  And as the entire nation 'fact checks' after every debate, I think we all come to the conclusion that both candidate are right, and they are also wrong.  

This makes me anxious, to say the least.  I fear I don't know if continuing Obama's plans will strengthen this country or if a complete shift over 4 years will cripple any progress we have made.  I am particularly unnerved by 'Obama-Care.' From what I've gathered, it's a very complicated piece of legislation that might have too many earmarks and fine print to be a truly healthy (pardon the pun) path to healthcare for everyone.  

My family has never had to worry about healthcare because both my parents work for Yale University and their benefits are second to none. In some ways, I don't care about Obama-Care. I am relieved that I can stay on my parents health insurance until I'm 26, but I can not sympathize with anyone who struggles without healthcare (some may say I should be ashamed of myself, but that's a fact, not a personal opinion).  Do I want to vote for Romney to repeal Obama-Care? Maybe. I just don't know.

Finally, we keep hearing Obama bash Romney for wanting the auto industry to go bankrupt back in 2008.  Obama was referring, partially at least, to an article Romney wrote in the New York Times. I have assembled to powerful quotes directly from this article:

"Second, management as is must go. New faces should be recruited from unrelated industries — from companies widely respected for excellence in marketing, innovation, creativity and labor relations."

I agree that members of management who perpetuated actions which lead to a near collapse of the industry should be reprimanded and fired, but completely new faces FROM OUTSIDE THE INDUSTRY (= NON-EXPERTS)?  Are all American car company leaders ruthless, slimy,  I think Romney loses a notch in my belt for that quote.


"The American auto industry is vital to our national interest as an employer and as a hub for manufacturing. A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs. It would permit the companies to shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs. The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk.
In a managed bankruptcy, the federal government would propel newly competitive and viable automakers, rather than seal their fate with a bailout check."
Here's where Obama got it wrong, and got it right.... at the same time, somehow....
Romney, at least in this particular article, did not ask for direct government intervention to help the banks, BUT he did ask the government to make the bankruptcy process easier for the companies.  So Obama was wrong to say Romney wanted the auto industry to crash and burn as the government looked on, which he argued in the final debate (really all of them). But Obama was right that Romney didn't want the government to step in directly.  
In the end, I think Obama will win. Firstly because he is the incumbent and many people will want to give his policies the time they need to be fully implemented. Secondly, humans are afraid of change and Romney represents drastic change in a short amount of time. And finally, both candidates have similar foreign policy agendas, a topic that was highlighted in the final debate. If both promise to keep us safe from terrorists, then does foreign policy have any bearing on who will be a better president?
Last, but certainly not least, I wish the debates went more like this...


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Why the Microsoft Office Monopoly Must, and Can, Fall

First of all, this video is hilarious (at least in my opinion).  It portrays two important issues. Companies bash each other almost as much as Obama and Romney bash each other on national television, blurring the line between business and politics (some would say all politics is business).  Secondly, people are afraid of change, especially when one of the most powerful businesses in the world stands to loose a lot.

Microsoft Office really has a monopoly on the document creating world.  Now there's no arguing that Microsoft Office is AMAZING. You can do almost everything imaginable (in the realm of documents, power-points and spreadsheets at least), and that's precisely the problem.  I would love to see a study that quantifies how many consumers use just 50% of the features of the Office suite.  I would bet money (a few bucks at least) that only about 10 percent of all people who buy Office use more than 50% of the features.  

So why do we all throw away $130 every time we buy a new computer?  It's not because we ourselves  need Microsoft Office to function in our academic and work lives.  It's because schools and businesses relish uniformity and are deathly afraid of change. 

I would say 80-90% of people, students and workers alike, don't need Microsoft Office and all its features.  There are at least 2 great alternatives to Office that range from $0-$60.  I am talking about iWork from Apple and Google Docs. 

My only in depth experience with iWork is Pages for iPad, so I am not the authority on comparing key features and differences between iWork and Office, but I am confident that iWork is just as good for the vast majority of people at half the price.  I really enjoy using Pages on my iPad because it works so intuitively.  A full version of Pages would surely be just as satisfying as Microsoft Word.  The only issue (and it's a big one) is that iWork only works on Apple devices.  

Luckily, Google heard my cries for help and has offered a wonderful solution. Google Docs.  

Google is so confident in the functionality of their web based document creator that it began dishing out the 'Google Chromebook,' a radical design idea where the entire device is just a conduit for web based applications. This makes the device itself inexpensive and slim, but it also makes it less functional than a traditional laptop....or does it?

Let's explore this more.  There were three main issues raised by the comical Microsoft attack on Google.

Lack of software complexity
Trouble with revisions while on the road
Automatic software changes

Those issues may have been troublesome a year ago when Google Docs was making its big push, but today these arguments are weak.  Yes, Google Docs is not as complicated as Microsoft Office, but who wants complicated software?  You can download Google documents for revision on the road and, with the current level of success, there is no fear of dramatic software changes or complete collapse.

Whenever you write an essay in school or submit a document to your boss, they all expect when you were typing, you saw the above screen.  Because of this we all suffer and are forced to dish out $130 for software we could get for free.  Yes, uniformity is important, but there can be standards that do not require the exact spacing and font size of Office.  In the end, I believe font size and spacing uniformity is the only general reason for buying Microsoft Office.  

I fully admit there are exceptions.  Big businesses may not want all their important and confidential documentation on the internet or they may actually need the Office suite for more than just department memos and scheduling.  

Let me write my final essay for the seminar in Google Docs. Let me create a PowerPoint without using PowerPoint. Let me be a productive for free. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME......choice.  

Let's end this article with a productive look at the Google Chromebook, the device that makes Google Docs truly powerful.

Here are the specs for the new Google Chromebook:
  • Display Size: 11.6 inches
  • Display 1366 x 768
  • Weight 2.43 pounds
  • Thickness 0.8 inches
  • Battery Life 6.5 hours
  • Processor Samsung Exynos 5250
  • Memory 2 GB
  • Webcam
  • 16 GB internal storage with 100 GB online storage
  • HDMI port, USB 3 and USB 2 ports
And it costs only $250.

How can you say 'no' to something this sexy?

These specs are almost as impressive as Google Docs itself.  But people will complain there is no compatibility for iTunes, Photoshop, Microsoft's stuff, Skype or Netflix (for now).  And with only 16 GB of internal storage, this will not be a good place to store those home movies and pictures.

WRONG! 100 GB of online storage is actually the safest and most productive place to store all your important media.  It's always accessible wherever you go and there is no worry of loss or destruction of your files.  I do concede, however, that you don't need a Chromebook to use Google Drive to store files. 

I want to play around with the Chromebook, but I probably won't buy one myself. My laptop is still hanging in there and I am too far down the path to the Darkside to make my next computer anything but a Macbook.

My main point, trust Google. It's just as good as Microsoft, but humanity is afraid of healthy change.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The New iPod Nano has a Place

I believe most people today have some form of a music listening device. Gone are the days of cassette and CD players. Music is cool, fun, cheap and digital.  There are hundreds of mp3 players available today to store your digital content. However, the iPod really defined the category just as the iPhone and iPad defined the smartphone and tablet category. 

To that end, Apple announced the newest version of the iPod Nano the same day the iPhone 5 was unveiled.  Gone are the days of a spinning wheel to access music. Touch screens have made cassette players, CD players and even older models of the iPod obsolete.  

The problem is, technology experts are complaining there is no place for the new Nano. If you want something small, they argue for the iPod Shuffle. And for just $50 more that the $150 iPod Nano, you can get the 4th generation iPod Touch and have a camera, internet access, and a heck of a lot more. 

But how can you so 'no' to this sexy thang?
The argument is solid, but.......WRONG

There are several niche markets who are going to absolutely love the new iPod Nano and here's why.  Some people want a bigger screen that the old iPod Nano. While it was very cool to have an mp3 player/wrist watch, the screen was just too small for anything other than listening to music, and you don't need a screen for that.

These same people don't want to carry a full size iPod Touch/iPhone.  Maybe they already have an iPhone or maybe they just want their music stored in a separate and compact space.  

There is also the simplicity.  There are no software updates or issues with maps or dropped calls or...issues with maps.  Everything is built in.  With the new iPod Nano, you can listen to music and FM radio stations and have album artwork, but you also have a screen just big enough to enjoy pictures, video and pod-casts.  This version also has 'Nike +' to help keep you active and more importantly, Bluetooth. Now you can hook up better headphone and speakers without actually hooking them up.  

It's the perfect 'Mini Me' to the iPhone!

The variety of colors also helps in the customization of the device. If only I could get a blue iPhone 5, but alas....

If you don't care about or need the bells and whistles of the 4th generation iPod Touch (or wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you bought an old version of the device but see no reason to blow $300 on a marginal upgrade) and need a screen that isn't the size of a Lego piece, the new iPod Nano is the perfect device and the perfect price. 

If it had a built on clip similar to its predecessor, I think this product would sell REALLY well. Unfortunately, you still need somewhere to stick the Nano when you use it at the gym or at the beach or wherever people with energy do things. That's wear being a woman (one that escaped the Mit Romney 'binder' I guess) comes in handy. Bras are the ultimate storage device. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What is Happening to Alex Rodriguez?

 I gotta be honest, I didn't see this coming. It was like an earthquake rampaging through New York.

Alex Rodriguez might be traded.

Reports began to circulate yesterday that the Yankee Mega-Slugger might be out the door, and sooner rather than later.  Of course, General Manager Brian Cashman denied any such rumors, particularly of talks with the Florida Marlins.  Keith Olbermann was one of the first to start the rumor mill by reporting that the Yankees were in talks with the Marlins to trade Alex while picking up much of his left over $100,000,000 salary.  Heath Bell might come to New York in the potential deal.

This trade makes sense for a many reasons. In no particular order:
  • Alex is OLD and breaking down. He has five years remaining on his contract and I afraid to see what shape he'll be in starting that fifth year.  If anyone is willing to pay ANY of his salary and take him from the Yankees, the discussion has to be there.
  • There is now a precedent for dropping big contracts on teams who are desperate or stupid.  With the Red Sox able to trade away three big contracts to the Dodgers, there is now hope for any team who made a long term mistake 8 or so years ago.  This type of trade has happened, can happen, and will happen again, especially with salaries rising higher and higher with each new contract.  Players are increasingly arguing "Why does he make $100 million and I only make $80 million...." Shut up.
  • Alex is from the Miami area and would be a boost to a Marlins team that traded away their franchise player Handley Ramirez and Anebal Sanchez (who is kicking butt in the playoffs).  I doubt Alex will be a great player with a change of scenery, but if the Marlins can drop Heath Bell and get a proven slugger for cheap, then why not give it a try?
  • Finally, and especially if the season ends today for the Bombers, the complete mess that has been conjured up since Girardi pitch hit Ibanez for Alex.  Alex continuously argues the team is better with him on the field, not in the dugout (where at least he can't strike out against every  right handed pitcher).  This media/fan/manager/ownership/teammate debacle is only heightened by the alleged "Flirtgate" scandal where Alex was seen flirting with a woman in the stands during Game 1 of the ALCS. Typical Alex, but combined with everything else, this may be the final straw.
I'm too cool for this one horse town anyway.
Even with all these points of contention, I was not convinced of the validity of this trade possibility until I considered what happened in Game 2 of the ALCS. In the 9th inning down 2-1, the Yankees allowed Bret Gardner to bat with no one out and no one on base. You could argue his speed and bunting ability were valuable to begin a rally, but considering he was playing hurt and with only a few at bats during the post season, that argument is weak.  And the Yankees were only down 1 run and Alex is paid to hit home runs. How many runs make a home run? Oh that right...1. That's all the Yankees needed to tie and they could have had 3 opportunities if Alex pitch hit.  

There are two explanations. Either Girardi really believed Gardner was the better choice (for whatever possibly delusional reason) or management doesn't want Alex playing.  Sink your teeth into that idea...

In other news, check out my YouTube channel with a video commentary on my post about the Microsoft Surface and the iPad Mini!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The MLB Playoffs have been Amazing... and Unpredictable

Ok, so I'm not perfect. I predicted the Cincinnati Reds would beat the Giants in Game of of their NLDS series and I was mistaken.  Mat Cain showed the world he is truly the ace of their staff. What is remarkable is how they're former ace, Tim Lincecum, was pitching out of the bullpen and they still won.  Does anyone realize Lincecum had the highest ERA this year among eligable pitchers?  Then, the Giants promptly lost Game 1 of the NLCS to the Cardinals...who are hungry to repeat, and then regrouped and won Game 2 (what the Yankees should have done).

Adam Wainwright did not pull a 'Justin Verlander' and shut down the Nationals, but the Cardinal's miraculous 9th inning comeback in Game 5 of the NLDS left Davy Johnson, the Washington manager, contemplating retirement from his nursing home (he's really old).  I always love (and hate) when I go to bed and discover the next morning that 6 run 4th inning lead completely evaporated, and in a series deciding game.  I should not have been surprised however, considering it has already been shown that home field advantage doesn't amount to much this year with the Giants WINNING ALL THREE GAMES ON THE ROAD.

And as for Alex is a funny sport.  It astounds me how one action can lead to such volatile consequences. Joe Girardi pitch hits for A-Rod in the bottom of the 9th and looks like a genius when Ibanez ties and then wins the game. But he did so at a heavy price. By ending Alex Rodriguez's superhuman status, he invited a swarm of media to drown the Yankees in controversy about benching a $100,000,000,000,000 man (something like that, I just typed a bunch of zeros).

Now, Girardi may be going too far (or has a big ego) with benching Rodriguez against Justin Verlander in Game 3.  A-Rod hit Verlander well this past season and had two good at bats last night, but Joe decided to go with Eric Chavez at third base and bench Swisher as well.  But consider this, if the Yankees can somehow beat Verlander tonight, Sabathia gives them a great chance to win tomorrow and then the series is tied with two of the last three games at Yankee Stadium.

So much can change in one night, from one play, one pitch or one moment.  We are about to find out if the Yankees have any magic left in the tank. If they lose tonight, well....let's just say Girardi might need to call Terry Francona for some advice.

Microsoft Surface and the iPad Mini

The technology world was all a-buzz today with two very important announcements.  Apple will have another press conference next Tuesday, October 23 at 1pm Eastern. The invitation: "We've got a little more to show you." This most certainly means the official announcement of the iPad mini, although we know surprisingly little about the exact specifications (unlike the iPhone 5).  

We know the screen will be about 7.5 inches diagonal, but the screen resolution and thickness are unclear, as is the design of the body.  This will be a new direction for the company.  They have been pushed by competition from Amazon and Google into the 7 inch tablet market, even though Steve Jobs specifically denounced the idea of a smaller screen.  However, there have been reports that Jobs was never actually against the smaller tablet, but he simply wanted to throw off the competition.  In any case, there will be many rumors and predictions over this next week. I personally do not want anything to do with an iPad mini. I love my full size iPad and if I enter the 7 inch tablet market, I will do so with the Google Nexus 7 to get a change of scenery. 
In other news, Microsoft announced today that their own line of tablets, known as the Microsoft Surface, will open to pre-orders today and start at $499 for the base line 32 GB model.  If you want the Touch Cover, a keyboard built into a iPad Cover that doesn't fold into a triangle, the total cost is $599 for the 32 GB model. Finally there is a 64 GB model with the Touch Cover for $699. You can spend an extra $20 for a more colorful Touch Cover (the basic one is black) or an extra $30 for the Type Cover, which has actual keys that press down. 

The main aspect to point out is that the base model is the same price as the base model iPad but with double the internal memory. That might sway some people on the fence about which tablet to purchase. The functionality of Microsoft Windows software and the 'cool new thing' keyboard will also steal some swing voters.  But I (and the tech world) do not want to assume anything about how 'good' or 'bad' the device is until we can go through a full series of tests.  Up to this point, no objective observer has gotten a really good look at this magical device.  We will know how it stacks up to the iPad soon enough. 

For now, here are the comparable technical specifications of each device: 


Surface (RT)
10.81 x 6.77 x 0.37 in
Less than 1.5 pounds, that's all it says online
1366 x 768
iPad (3rd gen)
9.50 x 7.31 x
0.37 in
1.44 pounds
2048 x 1536


Surface (RT)
Up to 8 hours mixed

iPad (3rd gen)
Up to 10 hours mixed

The fact that Apple and Microsoft made a major announcement on the same day is no coincidence by any stretch of the imagination.  These days, tech giants love to attack each other and leave us consumers with empty wallets and a touch of doubt.