After watching 3 Presidential Debates and 1 Vice Presidential Debate, I am still uncertain who deserves my vote. I understand Connecticut is deeply a Democrat leaning state, but I still want to at least believe I have an impact on my nation's future.
Obama has done a lot of good for America. I believe our economy is stronger than when he took office. Is it directly because of Obama's policies or just the natural roller coaster ride of economics? I'm not sure. Does having business experience mean Romney can completely fix our economy? Maybe, but no matter what happens, 4 more years will not make America the greatest country on Earth again. That may take a generation, if it's even possible.
There is one common theme I was able to extract from all the debates. Both candidate hid behind the phrase, "That's not true" without directly combating how such accusations could be made in the first place. And as the entire nation 'fact checks' after every debate, I think we all come to the conclusion that both candidate are right, and they are also wrong.
This makes me anxious, to say the least. I fear I don't know if continuing Obama's plans will strengthen this country or if a complete shift over 4 years will cripple any progress we have made. I am particularly unnerved by 'Obama-Care.' From what I've gathered, it's a very complicated piece of legislation that might have too many earmarks and fine print to be a truly healthy (pardon the pun) path to healthcare for everyone.
My family has never had to worry about healthcare because both my parents work for Yale University and their benefits are second to none. In some ways, I don't care about Obama-Care. I am relieved that I can stay on my parents health insurance until I'm 26, but I can not sympathize with anyone who struggles without healthcare (some may say I should be ashamed of myself, but that's a fact, not a personal opinion). Do I want to vote for Romney to repeal Obama-Care? Maybe. I just don't know.
"Second, management as is must go. New faces should be recruited from unrelated industries — from companies widely respected for excellence in marketing, innovation, creativity and labor relations."
I agree that members of management who perpetuated actions which lead to a near collapse of the industry should be reprimanded and fired, but completely new faces FROM OUTSIDE THE INDUSTRY (= NON-EXPERTS)? Are all American car company leaders ruthless, slimy, I think Romney loses a notch in my belt for that quote.
"The American auto industry is vital to our national interest as an employer and as a hub for manufacturing. A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs. It would permit the companies to shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs. The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk.
In a managed bankruptcy, the federal government would propel newly competitive and viable automakers, rather than seal their fate with a bailout check."
Here's where Obama got it wrong, and got it right.... at the same time, somehow....
Romney, at least in this particular article, did not ask for direct government intervention to help the banks, BUT he did ask the government to make the bankruptcy process easier for the companies. So Obama was wrong to say Romney wanted the auto industry to crash and burn as the government looked on, which he argued in the final debate (really all of them). But Obama was right that Romney didn't want the government to step in directly.
In the end, I think Obama will win. Firstly because he is the incumbent and many people will want to give his policies the time they need to be fully implemented. Secondly, humans are afraid of change and Romney represents drastic change in a short amount of time. And finally, both candidates have similar foreign policy agendas, a topic that was highlighted in the final debate. If both promise to keep us safe from terrorists, then does foreign policy have any bearing on who will be a better president?
Last, but certainly not least, I wish the debates went more like this...
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